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Лекция Thermodynamics and Never-Ending Search for the Truth: Thermodynamics in the Unpredictable Era of the Internet


21 июня 2013г на Химическом факультете, Петродворец, ауд. 01, в 12-00 состоится лекция проф. Майкла Френкеля, директора Центра Термодинамических Исследований Национального Института Стандартов, США, Болдер, Колорадо.


Dr. Michael Frenkel is the Director of the world-renowned Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) at the U. S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado, USA. He is also Honorary Professor at the Colorado School of Mines (Golden, USA), École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (France), and Changsha University of Science and Technology (China). His research activities pursued at the Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus), University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (Italy), University of North Texas (Denton, USA), Texas A&M University (College Station, USA) and NIST (Boulder, USA) cover a broad range of the scientific areas such as phenomenological and statistical thermodynamics, information management and communication, and software expert systems.  He is the author and co-author of 26 books and numerous peer-reviewed publications. Michael has an International reputation that has resulted many prestigious awards including R&D 100 Award that recognizes the 100 most innovative technologies for science and engineering. He is recipient of the premier awards in the field such as Rossini Lectureship and Huffman Memorial Awards for life-time contributions to thermodynamics; Pollak Lectureship Award of the Israel Institute of Technology; NIST Bronze Medal; the Judson French Award and others. In the last 15 years, Michael led the effort at TRC in the development and software implementation of the concept of Global Information Systems in Science in application to the field of thermodynamics.


Thermodynamics and Never-Ending Search for the Truth: Thermodynamics in the Unpredictable Era of the Internet

21 июня 2013г на Химическом факультете, Петродворец, ауд. 01, в 12-00 состоится лекция проф. Майкла Френкеля, директора Центра Термодинамических Исследований Национального Института Стандартов, США, Болдер, Колорадо.