Просмотров: 2407

Блок-лекции профессора Жульена Бахманна


С 12 по 21 сентября 2017 в институте химии СПбГУ будут организованы блок-лекции профессора Жульена Бахманна (университет Эрланген-Нюрнберг) на тему

«Preparative methods for nanostructured materials of different types (zero-dimensional, one-D, 2-D, 3-D)».

Лекции ориентированы на студентов-магистрантов, аспирантов и молодых ученых.

Лекции будут проходить ежедневно (12.09, 13.09, 14.09, 15.09, 18.09, 19.09, 20.09, 21.09), в аудитории 4017, начало лекций в 15:00.


The class will present a selection of established and general techniques designed for the preparation of nanostructured materials. In particular, we will cover the 'hot injection' synthesis of zero-dimensional (0D) nanocrystals ('quantum dots'), the 'vapor-liquid-solid' growth of one-dimensional (1D) nanowires, physical and chemical thin film (2D) deposition techniques, as well as electrochemical and crystal-engineering strategies towards nanoporous (3D) materials. In all cases, the emphasis will lie on highlighting the principles underlying size and shape control. Examples highlighting how this control is of prime importance for defining function in optical, electrical, sensing, or other applications will be excerpted from recent research literature.


  1. Synthesis of quantum dots
  2. Properties of quantum dots
  3. Growth of nanowires
  4. Properties of nanowires
  5. Deposition of thin films
  6. Lithography on thin films
  7. Preparation of nanoporous materials
  8. Nanoporous materials as templates

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