Календарь событий

Mendeleev 2019, the XI International Conference on Chemistry for Young Scientists

от Понедельник 09 Сентябрь 2019
до Пятница 13 Сентябрь 2019
Хиты : 1483

Mendeleev2019 logoThe Mendeleev 2019 Conference will be held in Saint Petersburg, as a satellite event during the XXI Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table.

Mendeleev 2019 will provide young chemists (undergraduate students, PhD-students, and young scientists aged under 35) an opportunity to present their research and meet scientists working in various fields of chemistry. Abstracts template is available here.

The scientific program will consist of keynote lectures given by the leading world scientists, oral presentations of young participants and a poster session.

Место : 26 Universitetskii prospect, Saint Petersburg
Контакты : http://mendeleev.spbu.ru/
The Official language of Mendeleev 2019 is English.
