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Основные публикации кафедры



И.В.Муриным опубликовано более 400 научных работ.


  • Ионика твердого тела. Спб; Из-во СПбГУ, В 2 т. Т.1, 2000. 616стр.;
  • Ионика твердого тела. СПб; Из-во СПбГУ, В 2 т. Т.2, 2010. 1000 стр. (в соавторстве с А.К. Ивановым-Шицом).

Более 400х публикаций.

Избранные публикации сотрудников кафедры химии твердого тела за 2015-2016 гг.

  1. Gulina, L.B., Schäfer, M., Privalov, A.F., Tolstoy, V.P., Murin, I.V., Vogel, M. Synthesis and NMR investigation of 2D nanocrystals of the LaF3 doped by SrF2 // (2016) Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 188, pp. 185-190. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfluchem.2016.07.006
  2. Semenov, K.N., Charykov, N.A., Postnov, V.N., Sharoyko, V.V., Vorotyntsev, I.V., Galagudza, M.M., Murin, I.V. Fullerenols: Physicochemical properties and applications // (2016) Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 44 (2), pp. 59-74. DOI: 10.1016/j.progsolidstchem.2016.04.002
  3. Semenov, K.N., Charykov, N.A., Postnov, V.N., Sharoyko, V.V., Murin, I.V. Phase equilibria in fullerene-containing systems as a basis for development of manufacture and application processes for nanocarbon materials // (2016) Russian Chemical Reviews, 85 (1), pp. 38-59. DOI: 10.1070/RCR4489
  4. Shevtsov M.A., Parr M.A., Ryzhov V.A., Zemtsova E.G., Arbenin A.Yu., Ponomareva A.N., Smirnov V. M., Multhoff G., Zero-valent Fe confined mesoporous silica nanocarriers // Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, Article number 29247
  5. E.G.Zemtsova , P.E.Morozov, R.Z. Valiev, J. Orekhov, V.M.Smirnov, Synthesis of titanium-organic nanostructures on the nanotitanium surface to create biocompatible coating // Rev.Adv. Mater. Sci., 2016, 45, 59 – 66.
  6. S.S. Ermakov, K.G. Nikolaev, V.P. Tolstoy // Novel electrochemical sensors with electrodes based on multilayers fabricated by layer-by-layer synthesis and their analytical potential // Russ. Chem. Rev., 2016, 85 (8) 880-900.
  7. I.A. Kodintsev, K.S. Reshanova and V.P. Tolstoy Layer-by-layer synthesis of metal oxide (or hydroxide)-graphene nanocomposites. The synthesis of CuO nanorods-graphene nanocomposite // AIP Conf. Proc. 1748, 040005 (2016).
  8. A.A. Lobinsky, , V.P. Tolstoy , L.B. Gulina A novel oxidation–reduction route for successive ionic layer deposition of NiO1+x·nH2O nanolayers and their capacitive performance // Materials Research Bulletin, V. 76, 2016, Pages 229–234.
  9. 14. L.I. Kuklo, S.I. Belyaninova, S.S. Ermakov, V.P. Tolstoy Fe0.5MnOx·nH2O nanolayers synthesized via successive ionic layer deposition and their use in voltammetric nonenzymatic determination of hydrogen peroxide // Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2016, Volume 11, Issue 3, pp 137–143.
  10. L.B. Gulina, A.A. Pchelkina, K.G. Nikolaev, D.V. Navolotskaya, S.S. Ermakov and V.P. Tolstoy A brief Review on Immobilization of Gold Nanoparticles on Inorganic Surfaces and Successive Ionic Layer Deposition // Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2016, Vol. 44, 1, pages 46-53.
  11. Postnov, V.N., Rodinkov, O.V., Moskvin, L.N., Novikov, A.G., Bugaichenko, A.S., Krokhina, O.A. From carbon nanostructures to high-performance sorbents for chromatographic separation and preconcentration // (2016) Russian Chemical Reviews, 85 (2), pp. 115-138. DOI: 10.1070/RCR4551
  12. Baraban, A.P., Dmitriev, V.A., Prokof’ev, V.A., Drozd, V.E., Filatova, E.O. Photoluminescence of Ta2O5 films formed by the molecular layer deposition method // (2016) Technical Physics Letters, 42 (4), pp. 341-343. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785016040040
  13. Baraban, A.P., Dmitriev, V.A., Drozd, V.E., Prokofiev, V.A., Samarin, S.N., Filatova, E.O. Interface properties of Si-SiO2-Ta2O5 structure by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy // (2016) Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (5), art. no. 055307, . DOI: 10.1063/1.4941270
  14. Postnov, D.V., Postnov, V.N., Murin, I.V., Mel’nikova, N.A., Semenov, K.N. Nafion-based composite solid electrolytes containing water-soluble fullerene C60 derivatives // (2016) Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 86 (4), pp. 894-896. DOI: 10.1134/S1070363216040228
  15. Postnov, D.V., Postnov, V.N., Murin, I.V., Mel’nikova, N.A., Novikov, A.G. Nafion-based composite solid electrolytes containing carbon nanotubes // (2016) Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 86 (4), pp. 890-893. DOI: 10.1134/S1070363216040216
  16. Gulina, L.B., Schäfer, M., Privalov, A.F., Tolstoy, V.P., Murin, I.V. Synthesis of LaF3 nanosheets with high fluorine mobility investigated by NMR relaxometry and diffusometry // (2015) Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (23), art. no. 234702. DOI: 10.1063/1.4937415
  17. Postnov, V.N., Naumysheva, E.B., Afonin, M.V., Korolev, D.V., Murin, I.V. Fe3O4·/ C and ZrO2·/ Fe3O4·/ C nanostructures: Synthesis and characterization // (2015) Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 85 (12), pp. 2677-2680. DOI: 10.1134/S1070363215120026
  18. Novikov, A.G., Postnov, V.N., Murin, I.V., Krokhina, O.A., Naumysheva, E.B. Silica with grafted photolabile groups // (2015) Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 85 (10), pp. 2429-2430. DOI: 10.1134/S1070363215100370
  19. Manyakina, O.S., Semenov, K.N., Charykov, N.A., Ivanova, N.M., Keskinov, V.A., Sharoyko, V.V., Letenko, D.G., Nikitin, V.A., Klepikov, V.V., Murin, I.V. Physico-chemical properties of the water-soluble C<inf>70</inf>-tris-malonic solutions // (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 211, pp. 487-493. DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2015.06.071
  20. Shestopalova, A.A., Semenov, K.N., Charykov, N.A., Postnov, V.N., Ivanova, N.M., Sharoyko, V.V., Keskinov, V.A., Letenko, D.G., Nikitin, V.A., Klepikov, V.V., Murin, I.V. Physico-chemical properties of the C60-arginine water solutions // (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 211, art. no. 4978, pp. 301-307. DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2015.07.022
  21. Semenov, K.N., Regueira, T., Fernández, J., Charykov, N.A., Murin, I.V. Pressure dependence of the solubility of light fullerenes in 1-hexanol from 298.15 K to 363.15 K // (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 209, pp. 71-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2015.04.004
  22. Semenov, K.N., Charykov, N.A., Murin, I.V., Pukharenko, Y.V. Physico-chemical properties of the C60-tris-malonic derivative water solutions // (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 201, pp. 50-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2014.11.019
  23. Semenov, K.N., Charykov, N.A., Murin, I.V., Pukharenko, Y.V. Physico-chemical properties of the fullerenol-70 water solutions // (2015) Journal of Molecular Liquids, 202, pp. 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2014.12.002
  24. Pronkin, A.A., Murin, I.V., Sokolov, I.A. The effect of the protonic component of conduction on the electrical properties of oxide glass // (2015) Glass Physics and Chemistry, 41 (1), pp. 54-58. DOI: 10.1134/S108765961501023X
  25. Pronkin, A.A., Murin, I.V., Sokolov, I.A. Development of the R.L. Muller model of the microheterogeneous structure of glass and its application for various glass types // (2015) Glass Physics and Chemistry, 41 (1), pp. 35-41. DOI: 10.1134/S1087659615010228
  26. Ermolenko, Y., Kalyagin, D., Alekseev, I., Bychkov, E., Kolodnikov, V., Melnikova, N., Murin, I., Mourzina, Y., Vlasov, Y. New membrane material for thallium (I)-selective sensors based on arsenic sulfide glasses // (2015) Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 207 (PB), pp. 940-944. DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2014.07.041
  27. D.V. Nazarov, N.P. Bobrysheva, O.M. Osmolovskaya, M.G. Osmolovsky, V.M. Smirnov, Atomic layer deposition of tin dioxide nanofilms: a review, // Rev.Adv. Mater. Sci. 40 (2015) 262
  28. E.G. Zemtsova, A.V. Monin, V.M. Smirnov, B.N. Semenov, N.F. Morozov, Formation and Mechanical Properties of Alumina Ceramics Based on Al2O3 Micro- and Nanoparticles // Physical Mesomechanics, 2015, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 134-138
  29. E.G. Zemtsova, A.Yu. Arbenin, A.F. Plotnikov, V.M. Smirnov, Pore radius fine tuning of a silica matrix (MCM-41) based on the synthesis of alumina nanolayers with different thicknesses by atomic layer deposition // Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 33, 021519 (2015); doi: 10.1116/1.4907989
  30. Zemtsova, E.G., Morozov, P.E., Valiev, R.Z., Smirnov, V.M., Study of conditions for the increase of surface hydrophobization of nanostructured titanium with titanium organic nanostructures brush type on the surface // Materials Physics and Mechanics, (2015), 24, 129-138
  31. A.A. Malygin, V.E. Drozd, A.A. Malkov, V.M. Smirnov, From V. B. Aleskovskii’s “Framework” Hypothesis to the Method of Molecular Layering/Atomic Layer Deposition // Chem. Vap. Deposition, (2015), 21, 216–240, DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201502013
  32. D.V. Nazarov, E.G. Zemtsova, R.Z. Valiev,.V.M. Smirnov, Formation of Micro- and Nanostructures on the Nanotitanium Surface by Chemical Etching and Deposition of Titania Films by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) // Materials, 2015, 8, 8366–8377; doi:10.3390/ma8125460
  33. E.G. Zemtsova, P.E. Morozov, V.M. Smirnov, Regulation of surface topography of nanostructured titanium using the method of ml–ald to create bioactive nanocoatings // Materials Physics and Mechanics, (2015), 24, 374-381
  34. Mamonova D.V., Kolesnikov I.E., Golyeva E.V., Mikhailov M.D., Pulkin S.A., Smirnov V.M., Synthesis and study of Y2O3:Eu3+ nanoparticles // Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2015, 10, 701-705
  35. Dyakonov G.S., Zemtsova E., Mironov S., Semenova I.P., Valiev R.Z., Semiatin, S.L., An EBSD investigation of ultrafine-grain titanium for biomedical applications // Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 648, 305-310
  36. L.B. Gulina, V.P. Tolstoy, I.A. Kasatkin, Yu.V. Petrov. Facile synthesis of LaF3 strained 2D nanoparticles and microtubes at solution–gas interface // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, V. 180, 2015, Pages 117–121.
  37. L. I. Kuklo, V. P. Tolstoy // Potassium ferrate aqueous solution as a reagent for the synthesis of nanolayers via the successive ionic layer deposition method. Synthesis of Cu0.9FeOx·nH2O // Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2015, V. 85, Issue 11, pp 2528–2532.
  38.  V.P. Tolstoy, A.A. Lobinsky, O.V. Levin, L.I. Kuklo Direct synthesis of Ni2Al(OH)7−x(NO3)x·nH2O layered double hydroxide nanolayers by SILD and their capacitive performance // Materials Letters, V. 139, 2015, Pages 4–6.
  39. G. Korotcenkov, V. Brinzari, S.H. Han, L.B. Gulina, V.P. Tolstoy, B.K. Cho. SnO2 Films Decorated by Au Clusters and their Gas Sensing Properties, // Materials Science Forum, Vol. 827, pp. 251-256, 2015.
  40. Korotcenkov, G., Brinzari, V., Gulina, L.B., Cho, B.K. The influence of gold nanoparticles on the conductivity response of SnO2-based thin film gas sensors // (2015) Applied Surface Science, 353, pp. 793-803. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.06.192
  41. Sonin, D.L., Korolev, D.V., Postnov, V.N., Naumysheva, E.B., Pochkaeva, E.I., Vasyutina, M.L., Galagudza, M.M. Silicon-containing nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery: Synthesis, physicochemical properties and acute toxicity // (2015) Drug Delivery, 23 (5), pp. 1747-1756. DOI: 10.3109/10717544.2015.1069421
  42. Rodinkov, O.V., Zhuravleva, G.A., Bugaichenko, A.S., Viktorova, M.I., Postnov, V.N., Novikov, A.G. Modification of hydrophobic sorbents by cobalt chloride in order to concentrate low molecular polar organic substances from the air for subsequent gas chromatographic determination (2015) Talanta, 144, art. no. 15569, pp. 427-431. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.04.069
  43. Postnov, V.N., Naumysheva, E.B., Litvinov, A.S., Krokhina, O.A. Chemical assembly of pyrenyl groups on silica surface and application of a modified sorbent for chromatographic separation of light fullerenes // (2015) Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 88 (4), pp. 657-660. DOI: 10.1134/S1070427215040187
  44. Britvin S.N. , Kashtanov S.A., Krzhizhanovskaya M.G., Gurinov A.A., Glumov O.V., Strekopytov S., Kretser Y.L., Zaitsev A.N., Chukanov N.V., Krivovichev S.V. Perovskites with the Framework-Forming Xenon // Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2015, 54 (48), pp. 14340-14344.
  45. Novik N.N., Glumov O.V., Golubev S.N.,Konakov V.G.,Archakov I.Yu. Impedance spectroscopy study of ZrO2-HfO2-Y2O3 solid electrolytes // Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 2015, 43 (1-2), pp. 67-76.
  46. Labzowskaya, M.E., Akopyan, I.Kh., Novikov, B.V., Serov, A.E., Filosofov, N.G., Basov, L.L., Drozd, V.E., Lisachenko, A.A. Exciton photoluminescence of ZnO thin films grown by ALD-technique // (2015) Physics Procedia, 76, pp. 37-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.10.007
  47. Semenov K.N., Charykov N.A., Kritchenkov A.S., Cherepkova I.A., Manyakina O.S., Tyurin D.P., Shestopalova A.A., Keskinov V.A., Ivanova K.V., Ivanova N.M., Letenko D.G., Nikitin V.A., Fokina E.L., Gutenev M.S. Dependence of the dimension of the associates of water-soluble tris-malonate of light fullerene — C60 [= C(COOH)2]3 in water solutions at 25 °C // Nanosystems: physics, chemistry, mathematics. 2015. V. 6 (2). P. 294-298.
  48. Kritchenkov A.S., Semenov K.N., Charykov N.A. Synthesis, identification, and solubility of adducts of aldonitrones to light fullerenes in toluene and o-xylene // Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2015. V. 23 (4). P. 355-360. DOI:10.1080/1536383X.2014.913576