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Pesonal page of Noskov Boris Anatolievich


Noskov Boris Anatolievich

Phone: 4284093

Room number: 1186

Lecture courses: Colloid Chemistry (general course), Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics, Physical Chemistry of Capillary Waves

Brief information:

The main direction of the research of B.A. Noskov and his group is surface phenomena in complex fluids. The theoretical studies relate mainly to the propagation of capillary waves in these systems. The methods of dilational surface rheology together with optical methods and the scanning probe microscopy are used in the course of experimental studies. Currently measurements of the dilational surface rheological properties become one of the main experimental technique of the chemistry of liquid interfaces. The earlier start of the corresponding studies as compared with the research centers in Europe andUSAallowed a small group from SPbSU to take the leading position in this field of science. The main results of the group have been published in the leading international journals [3-27, 30-38] and discussed in two chapters of the first monograph in the world literature devoted to the interfacial rheology [29, 30]. The Hirsсh index is 17.  

 More detailed information:

Every student who begins to study interfacial phenomena in fluids is faced with a very limited number of available experimental methods. Any attentive student discovers that the main information in the corresponding chapters of textbooks is connected to the great extent with the surface tension. If the student has already some experience in experimental studies, he or she can conclude that almost nothing is known on the surface phenomena in complex fluids. Although it sounds strange in the twenty first century but the conclusion of the beginner would not be too far from the truth.

The surface tension is obviously an important quantity which determines to the significant extent the properties of colloid systems consisting of fluid phases. However, it becomes evident nowadays that the importance of surface tension was exaggerated a little in some cases. For example, some recent works have shown that the surface rheological properties influence the stability of foams and emulsions to the greater extent. On the other hand, it is very difficult to extract any information on the surface layer structure from the surface tension data. First of all, this conclusion relates to the solutions of macromolecules where the surface tension is determined by the local segment concentration in the proximal region of the surface layer but the dynamic properties of various colloid systems are determined by the distal region (the region of loops and tails) where any changes of the local segment concentration almost do no influence the surface tension. A few powerful experimental techniques have been proposed during the last two decades to study the structure of the liquid surface. The neutron reflectivity is probably the most important. However, this method is extremely expensive and cannot be applied in the case of conventional measurements. Moreover, this method has some other drawbacks limiting its applicability. For example, the neutron optics does not allow applications of the beams with the cross section less than a few centimeters. This means that any structural information becomes averaged along the surface and one cannot apply the method to heterogeneous surfaces. Besides, the neutron reflectivity is not suitable for kinetic studies.  

These considerations show that the development of new methods to study liquid surfaces becomes extremely important. The great attention has been paid recently to the methods of the dilational surface rheology. This subject is the main one in the group of B.A. Noskov. The first studies devoted to the theoretical foundations of the method have been published about thirty years ago [1, 2]. The studies on the surface dilational rheology were only at the beginning in some universities in that time. The interest in this field increased slightly and decreased again during the subsequent years. All the research groups disintegrated as a result. That is why the group from SPbSU proved to be the only one having a long experience in this field in the first decade of the twenty first century when the interest in the surface dilational rheology increased abruptly. The works of the group have been published easily in the leading international journals on physical chemistry: Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry B and C, Macromolecules, Langmuir and some others [3-27, 30-38]. The fast growth of the citation of these papers (Fig. 1) reflects also the increase of the broad interest in the application of the methods of the dilational surface rheology to different problems of modern natural sciences, mainly to the investigation of Soft Matter. The first monograph on surface rheology reflects partly the results of the group from SPbSU [28, 29]. There are three members of this group in the list of the most cited scientists fromSt.PetersburgStateUniversity(The list contains 111 names, http://www.expertcorps.ru/science/whoiswho/by_aff/16590).   

The earlier start of the studies on the dilational surface rheology in SPbSU allowed avoidance of some mistakes which are frequently made by some researchers in this field. For example, the oscillating drop method is the most popular abroad. Some companies in USA, Germany and France produce the corresponding equipment. Meantime, the oscillations of a pending drop contain sometimes a significant contribution of non-radial modes which is not taken into account in the course of the approximation of the drop shape by the Young – Laplace equation. Moreover, the drop evaporation and oscillations of the three phase contact line lead to serious errors. For example, some systems exhibit the negative surface viscosity which contradicts the Second Law of thermodynamics. The methods used in SPbSU are free from these deficiencies to a significant extent


Citation Report

Author=(Noskov B*A*)

Timespan=All Years.

This report reflects citations to source items indexed within All Databases.

Published Items in Each Year

Published Items in Each Year

The latest 20 years are displayed.
View a graph with all years.

Citations in Each Year

Citations in Each Year

The latest 20 years are displayed.
View a graph with all years.

Fig. 1. The time distribution of publications and the growth of their citation.

The number of modern experimental set-ups in the laboratory has increased recently. A new set-up based on a tensiometer of LAUDA (Germany) was created to measure the dynamic surface elasticity by the oscillating ring method. The laboratory acquired a Brewster angle microscope (NFT,Germany), an automatic ellipsometer (OPTREL,Germany) and a tensiometer (KSV,Finland). The university provided funding to the laboratory to buy a shear surface rheometer (KSV-Nima,SwedenandFinland). The laboratory will become the best equipped unit to study surface phenomena in liquids inEast Europeafter the installation of this equipment. In this case the technical possibilities of the laboratory can be compared with the possibilities of some leading research centers like, for example, the corresponding laboratory of Max-Planck-Institute on colloid and interface science.

The research group takes part in the scientific cooperation with a few institutions abroad: Max-Planck-Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Taiwan University of Science and Technology,UniversityofFlorence, Complutense University of Madrid [5, 6, 8-11, 14-17, 19-28, 30-32, 34-38]. Currently this cooperation is executed in the framework of an international project of European Space Agency PASTA (Particle stabilised emulsions and foams), where also University of Alberta (Canada), Loughborough University (UK), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), CNR - Institute for Energetics and Interphases (Italy), University Paul Cezanne (France), Lafayette College (USA), University of technology of Compiègne (France), Insitute of Polymer Research (Germany), Unilever R&D (UK), Nestlé Research Center Lausanne (Switzerland) take part.


The main studies of the last years supported by a few grants of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research are devoted mainly to three different systems. It was discovered that the dilational surface rheological properties are extremely sensitive to conformational transitions of protein molecules in the surface layer [25, 27]. The most of measured surface properties change monotonically in the course of adsorption process. At the same time some changes of the conformation of macromolecules at liquid – fluid interfaces can lead to local maxima of the dynamic surface elasticity. This result gave a possibility to approach to a solution of one of fundamental problems of the modern structural biology – the investigation of the folding – unfolding mechanism of protein globules at the interface between two fluid phases. It was shown that the globule unfolding in the surface layer can take place at lower concentrations of a denaturant than in the bulk phase [31, 34]. At the moment the laboratory of surface phenomena is applying the methods of the dilational surface rheology to various protein systems

It is usually difficult to imagine that transparent aqueous solution can have a heterogeneous surface. Recent studies have shown that one can easily obtain such a system if the solution contains simultaneously a polyelectrolyte and an oppositely charged surfactant [20, 24, 32, 35, 36]. These papers describe the spontaneous formation of nanoparticles in the surface layer if the surfactant concentration exceeds a certain critical value. In this case one can observe abrupt changes of the dynamic surface properties. In particular, the system becomes non-linear and small oscillations of the surface area result in the generation of higher harmonics in the course of the induced surface tension oscillations. The discovered effect can be applied to the investigation of the interaction between biomacromolecules with surfactants in the surface layer. These systems are frequently used in the medicine, pharmaceutical and food branches of industry.    

This year the laboratory begins to study the surface films of nanoparticles of different chemical nature. In particular, this is the main task of the international project PASTA where the laboratory takes part (cf. above). The use of nanoparticles as stabilizing agents results in the extremely high stability of foams and emulsions and gives a possibility to create new materials like “dry water” (aqueous microdrops stabilized by silica nanoparticles) or nanocapsules with the possibility to regulate the size of nanopores. Preliminary results from the laboratory of surface phenomena ofSt.PetersburgStateUniversityindicate the extremely high dynamic surface elasticity of the dispersions of nanoparticles. This effect can explain the properties of colloid systems stabilized by the nanoparticles.   

One can find more detailed information on recent results in the reviews [28-30, 33, 37].


  1. B.A. Noskov, Dynamic surface elasticity of surfactant solutions, Colloid J., V. 44, N 3, p. 492-498, 1982.
  2. B.A. Noskov, Dynamic surface elasticity of surfactant solutions and stability of capillary waves, Colloid J., V. 45, N 4, p. 689-694, 1983.
  3. B.A. Noskov, D.O. Grigoriev, Kinetic study of sodium decyl sulfate solutions by the capillary wave method, Langmuir, V.12, N 14, P.3399-3403, 1996.
  4. B.A. Noskov, Fast adsorption at the liquid-gas interface, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., V.69, P.63-130, 1996.
  5. B.A. Noskov, D.O. Grigoriev, R. Miller, Anomalous damping of capillary waves in systems with insoluble monolayers of alkyldimethylphosphine oxides, Langmuir, V. 13, N 2, P. 295-298, 1997.
  6. B.A. Noskov, D.O. Grigoriev, R. Miller, Dynamic surface properties of phosphine oxides: a capillary wave study, J. Colloid Interface Sci., V. 188, N 1, P. 9-15, 1997.
  7. B.A. Noskov, Dynamic properties of heterogeneous surface films: multiple scattering of capillary waves, J. Chem. Phys., V. 108, N 2, P. 807-815, 1998.
  8. B.A. Noskov, G. Loglio, Dynamic surface elasticity of surfactant solutions, Colloids Surf. A, V. 143, N 2-3, P. 167-183, 1998.
  9. B.A. Noskov, D.A. Alexandrov, R. Miller, Dynamic surface elasticity of micellar and nonmicellar solutions od dodecyldimethyl phosphine oxide. Longitudinal wave study, J. Colloid Interface Sci., V. 219, N 1, P. 250-259, 1999.
  10. B.A. Noskov, A.V. Akentiev, D.A. Alexandrov, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dynamic surface properties of solutions of polyethylene oxide and polyethylene glycols, J. Phys. Chem. B, V. 104, P. 7923 - 7931, 2000.
  11. B.A. Noskov, A.V. Akentiev, D.A.  Alexandrov, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dilational viscoelasticity of spread and adsorbed polymer films, Food Colloids. Fundamentals of Formulation,DickinsonE., Miller R. Eds., Royal Society of Chemistry,Cambridge, 2001, P. 191-197.
  12. B.A. Noskov, D.O. Grigoriev, Adsorption from micellar solutions. Surfactants: Chemistry, Interfacial Properties, Applications; Moebius D., Miller R. Eds., Elsevier,Amsterdam, 2001, P. 401-509.
  13. B.A. Noskov, Kinetics of adsorption from micellar solutions, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., V. 95, N 1, P. 237-293, 2002.
  14. B.A. Noskov, A.V. Akentiev, R. Miller, Dynamic properties of poly(styrene) - poly(ethylene oxide) diblock copolymer films at the air-water interface. J. Colloid Interface Sci., V. 247, N 1, P. 117-124, 2002.
  15. B.A. Noskov, A.V. Akentiev, R. Miller, Dynamic surface properties of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) solutions, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2002, V. 255, N 2, P. 417-424.
  16. B.A. Noskov, A.V. Akentiev, A. Yu. Bilibin, I.M. Zorin, R. Miller, Dilational surface viscoelasticity of polymer solutions. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., V. 104, P. 245-271 2003.
  17. B.A. Noskov, S.N. Nuzhnov, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dynamic surface properties of sodium poly(styrenesulfonate) solutions, Macromolecules,V. 37, N 2, P.2519-2526, 2004.
  18. B.A. Noskov, Anatoly Ivanovich Rusanov, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci.,V. 110, P. 1-3 2004.
  19. B.A. Noskov, A.V. Akentiev, A. Yu. Bilibin, D.O. Grigoriev, G. Loglio, I.M. Zorin, R. Miller, Dynamic surface properties of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) solutions, Langmuir, V. 20, N 22, P. 9669-9676, 2004.
  20. B.A. Noskov, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dilational Viscoelasticity of Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Adsorption Films at the Air/Water Interface: Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide and Sodium Poly(styrenesulfonate), J. Phys. Chem. B, V. 48, P.18615-18622, 2004.
  21. B.A. Noskov, A.V. Akentiev, D.O. Grigoriev, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Ellipsometric study of nonionic polymer solutions, J. Colloid Interface Sci. V. 282, P. 38-45, 2005.

22.       B.A. Noskov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R.G. Rubio, R. Miller, Dilational Viscoelasticity of PEO-PPO-PEO Triblock Copolymer Films at the Air-Water Interface in the Range of High Surface Pressures, Langmuir, V. 22, N 6, P. 2647-2652, 2006.

23.         B.A. Noskov, G. Loglio, S.-Y. Lin, R. Miller, Dynamic Surface Elasticity of Polyelectolyte/Surfactant Adsorption Films at the Air/Water Interface: Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide and Copolymer of Sodium 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propansulfonate with N-isopropylacrylamide, J. Colloid Interface Sci, V.301, N 2, P. 386-394, 2006.

24.        B.A. Noskov, D.O. Grigoriev, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dynamic Surface Properties of Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Adsorption Films at the Air/Water Interface: Polydiallyl- dimethylammonium Chloride and Sodium Dodecylsulfate, Langmuir, V.23, N 19, P. 9641-9651, 2009.

25.    B.A. Noskov, A.V. Latnikova, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dynamic Surface Elasticity of β-casein Solutions in the Course of Adsorption Process, J. Phys. Chem. C, V.111, P. 16895-16901, 2007.

26.     B.A. Noskov, A.G. Bykov, D.O. Grigoriev, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dilational Viscoelasticity of Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Adsorption Layers at the Air/Water Interface: Poly(vinyl pyridinium chloride) and Sodium Dodecylsulfate, Colloids Surf., V. 322, P. 71-78, 2008.

27.     A.V. Latnikova, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, B.A. Noskov, Impact of Surfactant Additions on Dynamic Properties of β-Casein Adsorption Layers, J. Phys. Chem. C, V.112, P. 6126-6131, 2008.

28.    F. Monroy, F. Ortega, R.Rubio, B.A. Noskov, Rheology studies of spread and adsorbed polymer layers, In: “Interfacial Rheology”, R.Miller, L. Liggieri Eds., Brill,Leiden–Boston, 2009, Vol. 1, 178-252.

29.      B.A. Noskov, Capillary waves in interfacial rheology, In: “Interfacial Rheology”, R.Miller, L. Liggieri Eds., Brill,Leiden–Boston, 2009, Vol. 1, 103-136.

30.     Cs. Kotsmar, V. Pradines, V.S. Alahverdjieva, E.V. Aksenenko, V.B. Fainerman, V.I. Kovalchuk, M.E. Leser, B.A. Noskov, R. Miller, Thermodynamics, adsorption kinetics and rheology of mixed protein–surfactant interfacial layers, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., V. 150, 41-54, 2009.

31.     B.A. Noskov, D.O. Grigoriev, A.V. Latnikova, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Impact of Globule Unfolding on Dilational Viscoelasticity of b-Lactoglobulin Adsorption Layers, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, V. 113, 13398-14404.

32.      A.G. Bykov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, B. A. Noskov, Kinetics of Adsorption Layer Formation in Solutions of Polyacid/Surfactant Complexes, J. Phys. Chem. C, V. 113, 5664-5671, 2009.

33.     B.A. Noskov, Dilational surface rheology of polymer and polymer/surfactant solutions, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, V. 15, 229-236, 2010.

34.      B.A. Noskov, A.A. Mikhailovskaya, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Bovine Serum Albumin Unfolding at the Air/Water Interface as Studied by Dilational Surface Rheology, Langmuir, V. 21, N 2, 17225-17231, 2010.

35.      A.G. Bykov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, B.A. Noskov, Dynamic surface properties of polyethylenimine and sodium dodecylsulfate complex solutions, Colloids Surf. A, V. 367, 129-132, 2010.

36.      A.G. Bykov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, V.V. Lyadinskaya, R. Miller, B.A. Noskov, Impact of surfactant chain length on dynamic surface properties of alkyltrimethylammonium bromide/polyacrylic acid solutions, Colloids Surf. A, V. 354, 382-389, 2010.

37.  B.A. Noskov, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dilational surface visco-elasticity of polyelectrolyte/surfactant solutions: formation of heterogeneous adsorption layers, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., V. 168, P. 179-197, 2011.

38.    A.A. Mikhailovskaya, B.A. Noskov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Formation of protein/surfactant adsorption layer at the air/water interface as studied by dilational surface rheology, J. Phys. Chem. B, V. 115, N 33, P. 9971-9979, 2011.

D.O. Gr2 �iv<�Aatnikova, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Impact of Globule Unfolding on Dilational Viscoelasticity of b-Lactoglobulin Adsorption Layers, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009, V. 113, 13398-14404.


32.      A.G. Bykov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, B. A. Noskov, Kinetics of Adsorption Layer Formation in Solutions of Polyacid/Surfactant Complexes, J. Phys. Chem. C, V. 113, 5664-5671, 2009.

33.     B.A. Noskov, Dilational surface rheology of polymer and polymer/surfactant solutions, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, V. 15, 229-236, 2010.

34.      B.A. Noskov, A.A. Mikhailovskaya, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Bovine Serum Albumin Unfolding at the Air/Water Interface as Studied by Dilational Surface Rheology, Langmuir, V. 21, N 2, 17225-17231, 2010.

35.      A.G. Bykov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, B.A. Noskov, Dynamic surface properties of polyethylenimine and sodium dodecylsulfate complex solutions, Colloids Surf. A, V. 367, 129-132, 2010.

36.      A.G. Bykov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, V.V. Lyadinskaya, R. Miller, B.A. Noskov, Impact of surfactant chain length on dynamic surface properties of alkyltrimethylammonium bromide/polyacrylic acid solutions, Colloids Surf. A, V. 354, 382-389, 2010.

37.  B.A. Noskov, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Dilational surface visco-elasticity of polyelectrolyte/surfactant solutions: formation of heterogeneous adsorption layers, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., V. 168, P. 179-197, 2011.

38.    A.A. Mikhailovskaya, B.A. Noskov, S.-Y. Lin, G. Loglio, R. Miller, Formation of protein/surfactant adsorption layer at the air/water interface as studied by dilational surface rheology, J. Phys. Chem. B, V. 115, N 33, P. 9971-9979, 2011.